The 3 best ways to pass time on a long-haul flight

Relaxation, Entertainment, and Productivity

Continental Europe (and Ireland in particular) is more than a couple of hours away from where you are but you’re still determined to visit? The excitement for the journey ahead is huge, but before it truly begins, there’s a long flight of 10 to 20 hours. To make the flight as comfortable as possible, here are some practical tips to overcome the biggest challenge of a long-haul flight… to make the best of the sheer endless amount of time on the airplane.


Maybe try some of the activities below to get through your next long distance flight:


1. Relaxation for Body and Mind

The time on the airplane is ideal for practicing various relaxation techniques. Without any distractions, you can meditate, listen to a guided fantasy journey, or use physical training methods like Progressive Muscle Relaxation to relax your body and mind.


There are many great meditation apps available that offer relaxation and meditation sessions. It’s best to download the app before the flight. Whether it’s a body scan, loving-kindness meditation, or mindfulness meditation – all these techniques help calm your mind.

If you’re already experienced in meditating, you can also meditate without an app. Did you know that meditation can reduce stress and anxiety as well as lower blood pressure? A calming meditation practice can be very helpful – especially if you suffer from fear of flying.

Tip: Pick a meditation exercise about 14 days before boarding the flight and practice it every day. Our brain loves routines and the more we do something, the easier it becomes to relax. Once you perform the meditation exercise on the airplane, your brain switches to relaxation mode because it knows what’s coming.

If your body can’t find peace on the airplane, Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) by Jacobson might help. PMR is based on the conscious tensing and relaxing of muscles. You start with the right foot, left foot, right lower leg, left lower leg, right thigh, etc. PMR has a relaxing effect on the body and mind, and you’re also doing something good for your muscles that are stressed from sitting. Besides PMR, it’s also good to stand up, move your feet or stretch your legs repeatedly during the flight to keep your circulation going.

2. Distraction and Entertainment

Of course, you won’t spend all your time on the airplane meditating or doing PMR. An individually tailored entertainment program is also important to make the time enjoyable (especially when travelling with kids). Depending on the airline some form of entertainment program may already be offered to you, but you can also download your favourite movies, series, or documentaries in advance.

Pack plenty of reading material as well. Reading is a classic way to combat boredom on an airplane. Lightweight e-readers have proven especially useful for travel. Magazines and journals are also practical. Prefer listening to your favourite books? Then download plenty of podcasts and audiobooks before your trip.


These tips aim to make your long-haul flight a more enjoyable and relaxing experience. Whether through relaxation techniques or entertainment options, there’s plenty you can do to keep boredom at bay and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and calm.

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3. Thinking Ahead and Getting Some Work Done

The airplane is the ideal place to get monotonous laptop work done. If you’ve put off certain tasks like accounting before your trip, now is the perfect time to tackle them.

After the flight, you’ll have these tasks out of the way and can start your vacation relaxed. If you’re a student, you can use the time to study. Or, you could use the opportunity to go through your upcoming travel plans in detail once more.


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